We are thrilled to announce a monumental milestone for Columbus, Indiana. The city is abuzz with excitement as we prepare to unveil our cutting-edge fiber Internet service this July. In partnership with Hoosier Fiber Networks, we couldn’t be prouder to bring this high-speed revolution to your doorstep.

We are excited to inform the residents of Columbus that ordering for our fiber Internet service is officially open! Plus, we understand that you’re eager to know when you’re home will be able to connect to the new fiber Network. To make it easy for you, we’ve introduced an address lookup tool on our website. It will provide you with construction updates from Hoosier Fiber Networks on when our service is expected to be available at your address. Keep in mind, though, that construction schedules can be fluid, and we are constantly working to bring our service to as many homes as possible.

As Dave Brodin, CEO of Hoosier Fiber Networks, wisely noted, “There’s often lots of surprises along the way, so it’s always possible that schedules have to change. So even if I were to say, these are the neighborhoods or areas that are at the end of the project, it’s possible those will move up further in the project for various reasons.”

The scale of our infrastructure project is nothing short of impressive. Hoosier Fiber Networks has already laid nearly 175,000 feet of fiber optic conduit throughout Columbus. This extensive network forms the foundation for ultra-fast, reliable Internet connections.

Hoosier Fiber Networks initial focus is on connecting over 450 homes in the downtown Columbus area, fondly known as the “Big Block.” But here’s the exciting part – this is just the beginning! We anticipate an additional 1,200 homes joining our fiber Internet network by the end of summer, expanding access to high-speed Internet across the city.

Mayor Jim Lienhoop, the 37th Mayor of the City of Columbus, rightly pointed out, “Columbus residents require state-of-the-art fiber Internet to live, work, and learn in the 21st century.” We share this sentiment and are committed to ushering Columbus into the digital age.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this project is our commitment to inclusivity. We are thrilled to introduce that eligible low-income households can now access the Affordable Connectivity Plan (ACP), offering a free symmetrical 250 Mbps Internet plan. This program means that cost is no longer a barrier to high-speed connectivity, ensuring that our entire community benefits from this technological leap.

As construction progresses and homes are installed and thoroughly tested, Columbus, Indiana, is on the verge of a digital transformation. With ordering now open and the promise of GigabitNow’s fiber Internet service just around the corner, we invite you to embrace a future where fast, reliable ultrafast fiber Internet is available to all.

Published: June 20, 2023