In many ways, business today is inseparable from cloud computing. It would be challenging to find a company that doesn’t use either a private or public cloud to some extent. This trend has accelerated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with 90% of global businesses using it more than expected in 2020.

As businesses become increasingly reliant on the cloud, they must learn to use it to its full potential. While there are multiple avenues to this goal, fiber optic Internet is one of the most helpful. Here are five ways fiber optics benefit cloud computing.

1. Faster Access

The most straightforward way that fiber optics improve cloud operations is through their improved speed. While 25 Mbps is the standard for individuals, businesses with more users and complex cloud-based applications need faster connections. Since fiber Internet transmits signals through light instead of electrical pulses, it transfers information far faster.

If businesses hope to run mission-critical applications on the cloud, they need to virtually eliminate delays. Fiber optics provide the necessary speed for these operations, allowing users to instantly access and modify data on the cloud. Businesses could then enjoy the flexibility of the cloud with the speed of local storage.

2. Support for More Simultaneous Users

As companies move an increased amount of data and applications to the cloud, they need more than just speed. If they don’t also have plenty of bandwidth, they won’t be able to run multiple applications at once. Fiber optics provide higher bandwidth than cable or satellite Internet connections, enabling more simultaneous users and operations.

Without high bandwidth, any cloud applications will slow as more people use the same network. Cloud computing wouldn’t be viable for companies with many employees, large data packets or complex operations. Fiber optics eliminates these concerns.

3. Improved Reliability

Fiber optics also provides more reliability than other types of connections. Severe weather and extreme temperatures can disrupt satellite communications and copper wire networks. By contrast, fiber optics delivers consistent performance, helping businesses stay operational amid any conditions.

On top of improving customer satisfaction or making work more convenient for employees, this reliability improves cost-efficiency. Most cloud services use an operational expenditure model, where users pay according to their consumption. More uptime and fewer disruptions mean employees can keep working and producing value as they use cloud resources, so there are no unnecessary costs.

4. More Security

Security concerns remain one of the most prevalent barriers to cloud adoption. Traditional copper cables are relatively easy to tap into and intercept data, but fiber optics require advanced tools and expertise. Since data leakage is the most common cloud security concern, this advantage is hard to overlook. Fiber optic cables don’t radiate signals like copper wire, either, further improving security. Since they also provide faster connections, data spends less time in transit, making it more challenging to intercept. Fiber’s reliability helps, too, as fewer disruptions mean less unexpected vulnerabilities.

5. Higher Flexibility and Scalability

One of the most enticing benefits of cloud computing is its scalability. As applications grow increasingly complex, companies using traditional cable Internet may run into a wall while expanding their cloud investments. Cable connections don’t provide enough bandwidth or speed for a wider variety of cloud services, but fiber optics does.

Fiber optics deliver speed and bandwidth far beyond most companies’ current needs. This gives them room to grow and expand as fast as the cloud will enable them. Without this flexibility, businesses may not be able to scale their cloud deployments as quickly as they need.

Fiber Optics Unlocks Cloud Computing’s Full Potential

Cloud computing has become a necessity for many businesses. With fiber optics, companies can experience its full benefits without its most prevalent risks. As businesses expand their cloud investments, they should also consider investing in GigabitNow fiber optic Internet.

Published: September 5, 2024 • Guest Author: Devin Partida