The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at a remarkable pace. There were more than 8 billion connected devices throughout the world in 2020, a number that could double before 2026. As these devices become increasingly popular in both leisure and business, connectivity is a crucial consideration.

In both consumer and commercial segments, IoT devices need fast, reliable internet networks to support them. Fiber optics, which transmit signals as light through glass or plastic strands, is ideal for these environments. Here’s a closer look at how fiber optics and the IoT work together to create high-performing, reliable device networks.

Supporting More Devices and Data

With IoT adoption growing so rapidly, both businesses and consumers need networks that can support more devices. Fiber optics can transmit more data over longer distances with less loss, thanks to its higher bandwidth than earlier technologies. Consequently, fiber optic connections can transmit data from more devices without sacrificing performance.

Without high bandwidth, the IoT’s utility can only go so far. Having more connected devices in a network improves functionality and convenience, but low bandwidth creates a point of diminishing returns. If increased network activity slows connections down, then the IoT is less convenient, not more.

Since fiber optics provides such a significant bandwidth improvement, it eliminates that concern. Users and businesses can create wider, more intricate IoT networks while maintaining sufficient speeds. IoT connectivity could reach new heights, moving into the Internet of Everything (IoE), where virtually all devices and processes are connected.

Increasing Connection Speed

In addition to providing higher bandwidth than other connection types, fiber optics deliver faster speeds. On a surface level, this increased speed provides quality-of-life upgrades like less buffering while streaming and faster downloads. On a more impactful level, it gives IoT functionality room to grow, unlocking new possibilities.

The average download speed in the U.S. is just above 50 Mbps, but that’s not always sufficient. Users with multiple connected devices need higher speeds, especially considering how speed often drops with increased activity. Fiber optics offer the speeds necessary for consumers and businesses alike to have extensive IoT networks.

With higher speeds, IoT devices will also be able to do more since they can send and process more data in less time. High-speed connections with the IoT will enable edge computing, a crucial part of smart cities, and eventually self-driving cars. Together, the IoT and fiber optics will pave the way for new, exciting technologies and services.

Improving Reliability

Fiber optic networks are also less prone to disruption than other connection types. Inclement weather can hinder satellite signals, and electrical noise from other equipment or infrastructure can interfere with copper wires. Since fiber optics use light and glass or plastic tubes, they’re immune to these disruptions, providing more reliable service.

The IoT needs this reliability. A factory full of connected robots could see costly delays or mistakes if something interfered with the connection between machines. Dropped signals in a smart home could temporarily disable or disrupt security systems like doorbell cameras, smart locks, or break-in sensors.

The reliability of fiber optics removes these concerns. Users’ IoT networks would work as they should, continuously, letting users bring IoT connectivity to more sensitive processes.

Fiber Optics Unlock the IoT’s Full Potential

The IoT has much potential in both consumer and commercial spheres, but older internet technologies limit it. Without high speeds, improved bandwidth, and more reliability, the IoT can’t advance far. Fiber optics enable these devices to do more and see new use cases by solving these issues.

As more businesses and consumers embrace the IoT, they should consider GigabitNow fiber optic Internet. These connections provide the qualities the IoT needs to deliver on its lofty promises.

Published: September 19, 2024 • Guest Author: Devin Partida