GigabitNow will update this page to inform the community of neighborhood and clubhouse events.
Amerige Heights residents can attend these events to speak with a live GigabitNow representative.
Drop by the clubhouse during Amerige Heights' property management office hours to meet the SiFi Networks Team (construction) and GigabitNow Team (Internet Service Provider). The teams will be there to answer any questions you may have about construction and your community's new Internet service options.
Drop by the clubhouse during Amerige Heights' property management office hours to meet the SiFi Networks Team (construction) and GigabitNow Team (Internet Service Provider). The teams will be there to answer any questions you may have about construction and your community's new Internet service options.
Both SiFi Networks and GigabitNow are conducting a Zoom meeting where anyone in the community can join in and hear about the new fiber Internet service coming to Amerige Heights. The team will be available to answer any questions and provide resources for information about your new home Internet, construction updates, and related news. This Zoom meeting has a limit of 300 participants. If you are unable to make it to this Question and Answer event or the Zoom meeting reached its capacity, please email ahic@gigabitnow.com and the Amerige Heights Internet Committee will be happy to assist you directly.
Join Zoom Meeting Here: https://actionlife.zoom.us/j/93166262260?pwd=cGphNlk4QUFnckxhUWhqZG5YbUZndz09
Password: 332716
Join by Phone (Audio Only): 213-338-8477
Meeting ID: 931 6626 2260
Password: 332716
Drop by the clubhouse during Amerige Heights' property management office hours to meet the SiFi Networks Team (construction) and GigabitNow Team (Internet Service Provider). The teams will be there to answer any questions you may have about construction and your community's new Internet service options.
The GigabitNow team will be set up on the corner of Nicolas Way and Ziebel St. to answer any questions you may have about your community's new Internet service options coming soon! Drop by to chat with our team from 4:30-6:30pm.
The GigabitNow team will be set up on the corner of Benchley St. and Sheddan St. to answer any questions you may have about your community's new Internet service options coming soon! Drop by to chat with our team from 4:30-6:30pm.
The GigabitNow team will be set up in the Amerige Heights Clubhouse to answer any questions you may have about your community's new Internet service options coming soon! Drop by to chat with our team from 4:30-6:30pm.